Standup speaker Germain Briand talking about the necessary reconnection with nature.


Bringing Innovation to the Cities to Reconnect People with Nature 🌿

Germain Briand, CEO of Bio...

For the past four years, Germain Briand and his team have been on a mission to make cities more liveable.

First, by introducing Urban Canopee to AsiaPac, a French company that manufactures innovative green infrastructures for cooler, more resilient cities. Then, Aglae, another French company, realising unique events scenography with luminescent plants to create an enchanting and extraordinary experience and LuminoKrom, a fluorescent organic painting to light up urban spaces and pathways.

Glowee came on board in early 2024 (previously a French company), a solution complementary to the first 3.

All those businesses are under one roof: BioDotDotDot Pty Ltd aka Bio…

Our Mission

Helping urban space shapers and event professionals with cutting-edge and awe-inspiring solutions for a more sustainable and life-affirming future.

Glowing bioluminescent avatar-like tree with city scape in the background

Why Working With Us


sustainable world wrapped in a leaf icon

We are focused on eco-friendly, regenerative solutions for urban landscapes.


Glowing bulb with leaf inside icon
Highlight cutting-edge products that redefine city environments.


meditation icon

Emphasize the positive influence on people’s health, well-being, and quality of life.

Do you have a project to enlighten your customers?

If you are a media agency, or an event organiser, contact us at